
What’s Happening? ECommerce Highlights – April 2021 Edition​

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what's happening? eCommerce highlights - April 2021 edition

With a blink of an eye, we are already at the end of April! As life is starting to gain a bit of normality, the eCommerce sector must also adapt once agin to see how they can balance shoppers returning to physical stores but also maintaining with their new online strategies to build up their brand loyalty. For the end of the month, we have once again rounded up and highlighted a few articles from April that we find insightful.  

1. a look at where AI stands in the retail realm

The retail sector has experienced many changes with the introduction of AI within the industry and a lot has been focused on improving customer experience and service. We have only scratched the surface of what AI can do for the retail industry, there is more that can be offered! The article states that in 2024, AI investment is expected to reach $110 billion, showing how much more we haven’t explored with AI in the retail sector. 

Find out in the full article here:

2. "The Future of eCommerce has arrived"

This article discusses the future of eCommerce and what may happen post-COVID. With the issues that brands have faced, including brand loyalty and transforming their services to have more digital assets, they have to prepare for how they can balance both online and offline shopping when our lifestyles return back to normal! It outlines how in-store shopping experiences will have to feel innovative and completely fresh post-COVID. Here’s to hoping for that time to come as soon as possible! 

Find the link to the article here:

3. Omnichannel Shoppers: converting them in 2021

The ever-changing conditions in 2020 has caused the eCommerce industry to grow tremendously but has also changed the expectations of consumers drastically as well. As the marketer for a brand, it is your responsibility to be aware of these changes and adopt a strategy that is most suitable for what your brand needs to stand out. This will allow the consumer rate your brand in a holistic way and be engaged at every touchpoint. 

Find the link to the full article here:

4. the biggest mistakes in training AI models

We’ve seen many articles talk about all the great things about AI, but we don’t often discuss the mistakes that could occur when we are training AI models to do the amazing things they are meant to do. Being able to avoid these pitfalls will help you train your AI models and allow the process to be less problematic than it can be. If you are able to prevent these mistakes from happening during the training of your model, 

Read it in detail in the article here:

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