
What’s Happening? ECommerce Highlights – August 2021 Edition​

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what's happening? eCommerce highlights - August 2021 edition

August has flown by and as we are inching towards the end of 2021, we are noticing the strategic changes that are being made now that life is slowly heading back to its normal state. So we have rounded a few articles from August that are able to give you a comprehensive view into the post-pandemic world and what you should factor in to your strategy. 

1. How Artificial Intelligence is Used in Online Shopping Sites

Through the development of AI, eCommerce platforms are currently implementing a number of solutions that are making the online shopping experience more efficient and hassle-free. If you were wondering whether your favorite brands were are using AI to up their game, then you can have a look at this list and find out the different way brands are using AI to make a difference for their purchasing journey. 

Find out more in the article here:

2. Utilising AI for retail in a post-pandemic world

An outline on how AI can be used for retail after COVID and how it will be creating more opportunities for businesses to take an omni-channel approach and be able to get the CX right at every touchpoint. It was reported that retailers that were early adopters of AI have already driven efficiency and accuracy in their businesses. With the rise in demand for better CX, it is imperative that AI is part of the strategy to help smooth out the logistics process as well. 

Read the full article here:

3. The eCommerce evolution

An in-depth examination into how the eCommerce spaced has evolved over the year and how CX has been spotlighted amongst brands as an important factor in eCommerce now. This experience is key to the retention and consumers are even more willing to spend more if brands are able to provide a good experience. Showing empathy is also a major factor to draw customers back, as it shows the more ‘human’ side of the brand and that brands care about social issues. 

Read and find out more in the link here:

4. the more you personalize, the better the customer experience - true or false?

Personalization seems to be a critical factor for businesses to be able to relate to their customers and recommendations are one way in which you can show you are really listening to your audience. However, is this completely true? This article looks at how far personalization can go until it may become detrimental on the business instead. Where is the line drawn and what are the boundaries within personalization? 

Find out more in detail here:

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