
What’s Happening? ECommerce Highlights – July 2021 Edition​

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what's happening? eCommerce highlights - July 2021 edition

As we have shown the progress of the eCommerce sector in each month, July was no different. Many businesses are focusing on how to integrate their online and offline experience now that society is returning back to its norm. So we have compiled a few articles that showcase how consumer behavior will be like post-pandemic and what will be here to stay. 

1. Why customization is key for entrepreneurs in the digital age

Exclusivity. That is what consumers want when it comes to their experience of purchasing products online. They want to feel special and feel as though the brands really understand what they want. It has even been found that 91% of consumers would rather work with a brand that remembers what they like and are able to offer them personalized recommendations. What are you waiting for? Find out how Delvify can help with the personalization of your services! 

Find out more in the article here:

2. eCommerce analytics: how to drive more sales with data

With the expansion of the eCommerce industry, it is hard to keep track with what works and what doesn’t when it comes to the ever-changing landscape of it. However, in order for your eCommerce brand to reach its potential quicker you must use data in order to find out the preferences that your customers have. This can assist your brand to be able to develop your products through a data-driven approach and increase order value as well. 

Read the full article here:

3. How to keep pace with consumer spend on and offline

There’s no doubt that the demands from consumers have been ever-changing and businesses have had to adapt as quick as they could. How can this ever be balanced when things in life are starting to return to its norm? Among the few things are including automations as your business grows, streamlining inventory management, and delivering an omni-channel experience for customers to be able to make their purchases.  

Read and find out more in the link here:

4. Online Shopping, post covid, retains consumers

Many consumers were first-time online shoppers during COVID-19. Research indicates that the purchasing behavior of consumers will remain online for the most part. This report outlines that the changed habits will be here to stay and even when brick-and-mortar stores are back open, online shopping will still be on the rise. 

Find out more in detail here:

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